Book an Audit


Our team will perform a review and analysis of your billing process. The objective of the audit would be to identify errors, discrepancies in the billing process that is resulting in overpayments or underpayments to healthcare providers and patients.

Scope of the Audit

We will review your medical billing procedures, documentation, and coding to ensure that they comply with industry standards and regulations. Our audit will also examine the accuracy of the billing and coding process, as well as the completeness and timeliness of the billing submissions.
A review of sample of medical bills, claims and related documentation will be done to ensure accuracy. The scope of the audit will also include reviewing the billing and coding softwares being used to identify any issues or errors.

Once our experienced team completes the audit, we will provide a detailed report of our findings including any identified errors or potential compliance issues. The report will include recommendations for improvements to the billing process, coding procedures, and documentation practices to ensure compliance with the industry standards and regulations.
Why you should do an audit

An audit is a critical process for ensuring that healthcare providers and facilities are billing accurately and in compliance with industry standards and regulations. It can help to prevent overpayments, reduce the risk of compliance issues, and ensure that patients receive the appropriate billing and payment for the services they receive.

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